June 30, 2011

Facebook & Kids: Know Its Social Networking Benefits

If you’re a parent, have your kids always been fighting with you because of a computer or a laptop? Do they disturb you while using your online Facebook account pushing you away and doing all to sit before the laptop.  Then they begin to log out your account and log in theirs.  Most of the time, both of you end up having a fight.  Worse, your child seems smarter than you are in using technology and Facebook.
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June 29, 2011

Seven Issues Toddlers want to Tell their Parents

Little toddlers may appear strong, but they are really not, they are still weak and  fumble most of the time. They've always wanted to tell many things to their parents but are unable to do so.  This article speaks some of those toddler's secrets.

Find out what are those issues their parents should realize:

1.    I got a very limited attention span.  A toddler who wants to get something on the shelves is not really destructive.  He is just being inquisitive.  It is true, it is fun to see and talk with your friends when you see them in the mall, but your toddlers are not that interested. They would better go off, wander around, test, explore, observe and touch. 
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June 28, 2011

Quarreling Parents and the Bad Effects to Their Children

Many husbands and wives are quarreling parents; they lose their patience easily.  They always end up into enraged emotional fights and shouting.  Without any intentions, quarreling parents showing the scene in front of the children will harm the latter’s mental condition.  Little kids generally are very sensitive that’s why it’s easy for them to get affected by their parents’ warfare.
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June 27, 2011

How to Impose Right Discipline to children

Discipline is not a way to keep children controlled, but an approach to keep them practicing the right self-control. Discipline is best acquired through the adult’s and children’s interaction. This interaction is the opportunity for the adults to give guidance and show the role of good models.

One of the hardest areas of bringing up children is discipline. More often, parents come across situations where imposing it is much needed. Sometimes this happens every few hours. But what kind of attitude parents have toward disciplining their kids will result to the family’s emotional condition.
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June 26, 2011

Fast Food: Burgers, Fries, Pizzas Make Overweight Kids

Today, our society is filled with overweight kids because of the different fast food restaurants that cater both to parents and children.  Food specifically is their nature of business.  As years go by, more and more are launched in the market and children from all sorts of life try to take advantage of what they can offer them.
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June 25, 2011

Will Tablet PC's, iPads Replace Children's Books?

Are netbooks, laptops and even children’s textbooks and notebooks going to be obsolete? They're here, the modern tablet PC’s which are fast increasing and getting much better—in quantity and quality.

This present time of tablet PC's marks the higher innovation of technology.  iPads are now turning into a popular icon that gains the interest of parents especially schools in USA.  The reason for tablet PC's is due to some unique features that may probably substitute every recognized information media very soon.
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June 23, 2011

IQ Test : Skills and Talents Intelligence Quotient Can't Measure

Unhappily, many parents and teachers assess a child’s intelligence quotient (IQ) on the foundation of test scores.  These tests only present information in an incomplete way of measuring a child’s brain.  More important information about the child’s brain cannot be calculated by means of one test only.  Observing the child’s day-to-day actions and activities over a longer period of time will help more in providing justified assessment of the young child’s mental ability.   
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June 22, 2011

How to Help Children Develop their Minds

Parents for sure have the tremendous influence when it comes to developing the minds of their children.  Parental influence should start at birth, and then the progress is never-ending.

Infants would benefit a lot from fathers and mothers who always talk to them and attempt to make themselves being understood.  A child’s verbal skills are increased more during this exchanging process.  The mental development receives help from the stimulation of the environment by utilizing support and love coming from the parents.   It is so significant that children would believe in their ideas.  Simple ideas that convey effective communication and meaning to people they get in touch with.
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June 19, 2011

All-Time Parenting Styles: Which One is the Most Effective?

There are still four popular parenting styles and approaches being practiced in this modern age: detached, permissive, authoritarian and authoritative styles.  Despite the modern lifestyle and living, there are actually no new approaches to update the parenthood mechanism.  These four styles still exist today because they speak more of the parent’s life, behaviors and perspective—far away from what the technology offers.

Just like in traditional times, they remain applicable in our days and in the future:
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Technology: The Dark Side of Internet for the Children

Parents, guardians, or teachers have the responsibility to educate their children regarding the usefulness of the Internet and technology as well as the threats it may give them.  The young should know how to safeguard themselves because certainly there is a dark side of it.
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June 17, 2011

6 Tips to Promoting Child’s Self-Dependence

Child's self-dependence is to be learned at a very young age.  Starting from the stage of infancy, little children understand that they can have the impact on the big world that surrounds them.  Generally, when a baby cries out loud, a parent immediately responds.  When he stretches his one arm then he is supported.  His one contagious smile gives birth to a similar smile.  There are lots of small things that train an infant about life and living.  Autonomy will assist a child to turn out to be a unique human being, entirely different and separated from the others.
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June 16, 2011

Computer Games: Good or Bad for Kids

During the last ten months, both my two boys have been obsessed with computer games.  They have spent all the time playing their own computers.  Our sons never used to be outgoing and sociable before.  Now, they are engrossed in computers that they rarely talk about anything else.  The phone rings constantly with calls from the new friends who share their interests.  Now we long for the good old days, and we’re anxious about this situation.
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June 15, 2011


  1. For Parents: How to Reduce Family Stress 
  2. Why Children Hate Their Parents: Issues among the Rich Families
  3. Children’s Fear: What Parents Fear about Their Children
  4. Sex and Children: Where Did I come From? 
  5. 8 Alarming Signs for Parents: Molester’s Pattern on Child Abuse 
  6. Defiant Kids: How to Control Defiant Children
  7. Fears: Developmental Fears Children Face (based on certain age) 
  8. Child Abuse: Understanding Types of Child Abuse and How to Avoid it
  9. Warning Symptoms and Physical Signs of Sexual Abuse or Incest
  10. Family Meetings: Resolving Family Issues and Conflicts through Family Meetings 
  11. A Spoiled Child: 10 Signs That Your Child is Spoiled
  12. There are no Bad Little Kids
  13. How to Stop Child's Temper Tantrums in 4 Fastest Ways   
  14. Symptoms of Computer and Video Game Addiction 
  15. How to Save Your Marriage & Avoid Divorce for Your Children
  16. Technology and Family – How Technology Changes our Family Meals Together    
  17. Quarreling Parents and the Bad Effects to Their Children  
  18. When Parents Quarrel - Common Effects Children Experience 
  19. Unconditional Love of Parents for Children: Overcoming Anger, Criticism and being Strict
  20. Parents cannot Force Children to Study: Train them to Improve Good Study Habits 
  21. Facing and Coping with Family Issues  
  22. Parenting Styles: 3 Common Mistakes Parents Do when Disciplining Children 
  23. Modern Children: Are They Hard to Discipline Now? 
  24. Why Children Misbehave -- Bad Behaviors Require Parents’ Non-Reaction  
  25. How to Impose Right Discipline to Children
  26. Divorce Tips: How Parents Prepare Children for a Divorce 
  27. Discipline Challenge on Bad Behaviors: Why Children Always Ignore their Parents 
  28. Children Discipline: Why Toddlers Misbehave and What Should Parents Do 
  29. Parenting How to Train & Discipline Children in This Modern World

        1. Why do kids hate vegetables and how to overcome it? 
        2. Picky Eaters: Parenting Tips for Picky Children  
        3. Health and Food Tips: 7 Healthy Eating Habits for Parents   
        4. Eating Habits : Keys to Developing Healthy Eating among Children 
        5. Fast Food: Burgers, Fries, Pizzas Make Overweight Kids  
        6. Overweight Kids: Controlling Overeating to Avoid Being Obese  
        1. Teaching Children How to Memorize Phone Numbers
        2. Read to a Child: 6 Reasons Why You Should Read 
        3. How to read to a child: tips to successful child reading 
        4. Lazy Kids: 7 Reasons to Child’s Laziness to Study
        5. Tired Mother: Enhancing Creativity to Children
        6. Education - Tips for Teaching Kids to Enjoy Reading 
        7. Child’s Brain Development – Answering the Most FAQ  
        8. How to Teach Children to Read: A Way of Helping them Succeed in School 
        9. Parents cannot Force Children to Study: Train them to Improve Good Study Habits 
        10. How to Improve Long Memory for Children
        11. The Pressures and Stress of Modern Education System on Children 
        12. Transformer Robot Toys: Boosting Kid’s Mind’s Eye & Creativity
        13. How to Help Children Develop their Minds
        14. IQ Test : Skills and Talents Intelligence Quotient Can't Measure  
        1. Fighting Children: How to Handle Sibling Rivalry 
        2. Sibling Rivalry: What Mistakes Parents Do and How to Help Older Sibling  
        3. 10 Solutions to Constantly Fighting Siblings
        4. Family Sibling Rivalry Common among Older Children

        1. Stubborn Child: How to Deal with Stubbornness 
        2. Defiant Kids: How to Control Defiant Children
        3. How and When to Use a Rod to Discipline a Child
        4. How to Stop Child's Temper Tantrums in 4 Fastest Ways  
        5. Self-Discipline -- Helping Children Develop Self-Control 
        6. Children's Misbehavior: Understanding Punishments on Children
        7. Discipline Challenge on Bad Behaviors: Why Children Always Ignore their Parents 
        8. Parenting Styles: 3 Common Mistakes Parents Do when Disciplining Children 
        9. Modern Children: Are They Hard to Discipline Now?
        10. Modern Parenting - 4 Tips on How to Balance Love and Discipline on Children 
        11. Parenting : How to Train and Discipline Children in this Modern World Children Parent Relationship -- Tips to Making Kids Feel Special
        12. Children Hate their Parents: 5 Valid Reasons Why Children Dislike their Parents  
        13. How TV Affects Your Children : Tips on Parents about TV Programs 
        14. Watching Television: How to Control What TV Programs Your Children are Watching 
        15. Technology: The Dark Side of Internet to the Children 
        16. Computer Games: Bad or Good for Kids
        17. How to Impose Right Discipline to Children 
        18. Favoritism between Two Sons -- How to Avoid It
        19. Overweight Kids: Controlling Over-eating to Avoid Being Obese  

        1. Children’s Fear: What Parents Fear about Their Children
        2. Effective Parenting Roles to Children
        3. Tips to Effective and Successful Parenting: 4 Child-Raising Tips  
        4. Outdated Parenting Skills: 6 Signs Your Parenting Skills need Updating
        5. Improving Parenting Skills on Modern Time
        6. How to Raise Good Kids: Be Realistic, Kids Mess Up
        7. Raising Your Child: 3 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child
        8. Secrets to Understanding Social and Emotional Growth of Children 
        9. 5 Tips to Effective Parenting Skills 
        10.  Educating and Teaching Responsibility to Your Kids  
        11. 10 Positive Parenting Tips for Successful Family Living  
        12. 10 Basic Principles of Teaching Children the Lessons of Life  
        13. Teach Children to Love: The Greatest Thing They Should Achieve in Life 
        14. Successful Parenting Tips in Shaping a Child’s Behavior
        15. Parenting Tips: Giving Your Children Quantity of Time 
        16. Six Tips to Raising a Happy Child 
        17.  Stressful Family? Learn the Keys to Successful Parenting on Children (Part 2)
        18. On Family: What is Successful Parenting on Children?
        19. Modern Parenting - 4 Tips on How to Balance Love and Discipline on Children
        20. Unconditional Love of Parents for Children: Overcoming Anger, Criticism and being Strict
        21. Parenting : How to Train & Discipline Children in This Modern World
        22. Why Parents Have Different Parenting Styles?

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              June 13, 2011

              Father's Day: Coping with Distant Relationship in 6 Ways

              I’m a dad of a seven-year-old daughter and our on-going father-daughter long-distance relationship isn't doing well.  Because of my job, I have been away from my wife and daughter for about six years now.  Although we see each other every month (when I visit them), it seems to me that I have been missing a lot of her growing years.  Time passes by so swiftly that she’s now a big girl.  I don’t want her to fail the experience of having a father, and me for having a daughter.   How will I do it in such a way that it would be like having both of us living in one home?
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              June 9, 2011

              Guest Posting

              Hi there everyone, welcome to Modern Parenting Tips: Styles & Approach in Disciplining & Training Children.


              This site is inviting anyone who would like to share his articles for guest posting. The purpose is to allow your thoughts, experiences, and new information to help build better family relationship, especially raising children. 


              The article will give credit to the writer.


              Any topic on parenting will do. You can email me the article for review and posting.


              Kindly send it to silvestreglenn@gmail.com


              Thank you so much for visiting this site.



              GLENN SILVESTRE


              • Original articles only (350 – 500 words).
              • Optimize with keywords (keyword phrase preferred).
              • Use keywords in the title, first and last paragraphs, and in the body of article.
              • 3% keyword density.
              • Provide your author’s bio at the end of the article with your back link.
              • Email to me your article for review and posting.

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              June 8, 2011

              Favoritism between Two Sons -- How to Avoid It

              I am a father and I got two different sons and unconsciously I treat the older one with favoritism.  The older one is fond of sports and he likes hanging out with friends.  My younger son is very quiet and is artistic.  As a father, sports are my interests and I keep participating on these activities.   I always enjoy being with people.  Naturally, to have a son who is sports-minded is very exciting.  My spouse gets along well with my two boys.  What I am more concerned about is my other son.  He might feel left out of the relationship between me and his brother.  It seems we’re both in different fields.
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