February 29, 2012

Ipads and Apps: Best iPads Apps for Toddlers

iPads & apps for toddlers
Some children start using and playing apps earlier compared to others, because of that need, iPad apps have a variety of choices your toddlers can select from. The educational benefit of iPad apps is that they can grow with the kids.  Try to read books from iPad with your kids today and two years later, they will be the ones reading for you.

Do you have older children? You can check out the following favorite iPad apps of preschool children.

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February 22, 2012

Stages in Growing Up: From 6 years old to 12 (part 2)

Stages in growing up
The stages in growing up (from six to 12) are usually on the move, going, doing, trying, and seeing different things.  Perhaps they are described as restless.  Because they love being active, they easily miscalculate how dangerous their exploits can be.  They become overconfident and, lacking judgement, have accidents.
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February 6, 2012

Stages in Growing Up: From Six to Twelve Years Old

stages in growing up: 6 to 12 years old
During these stages in growing up, children may occasionally demonstrate regression behavior, such as clinging to a parent, demanding special attention, or throwing temper tantrums.  Children of this age are very anxious for peer acceptance and, as a result, try to control their immature behavior at school and in social settings.  As a result, parents and siblings are the targets of their frustration and anger.  These children are no longer predominantly influenced by their families; now teachers and peers play a significant role in their lives.  The social and academic aspects of school also influence a child’s development.
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February 3, 2012

iPad Apps for Kids: 5 Most Educational iPad Apps

5 Most Educational iPad Apps for Kids  
The iPad apps for kids are used almost in everything--from watching television to online shopping for house insurance.  Children, including the adults, always find this tablet pretty amazing.  There are a number of iPad apps that are released. They make the iPad gadget one of the best educational devices designed for children’s learning and entertainment.  How can iPad educational apps help your kids? It helps kids to: learn problems on Mathematics, learn letters of the alphabet, learn things on history.  
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February 2, 2012

Stages in Growing Up: From Birth to 18 Months

Stages in Growing up: from birth to 18 months.
During the early stages in growing up (from birth to 18 months) babies learn to trust their environment and their caretakers when their needs are consistently met.  Babies cry to signal hunger, pain, or discomfort, or when they are overly tired.  When adults meet their needs with attention and affection, babies begin to feel safe in their world.
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